Laughing at myself. How can I emulate someone whom I only saw a performance of? I may not know inside out personally. But what I see in the character during the performance I can learn from there. Confidence, charisma, independent and firm.
I've also been up to looking for better clothes for my size. And hence it was fun exploring!!

I guess I'll have to wait for another YWA. At least this round my mum's disapproving because of a valid reason, about H1N1. And I don't wanna rebel and argue further. I've prayed about it. Anyway, if she changed her mind next 2days, it's still lai-de-ji.
This season I've been shown to the different areas I need breakthrough and need to overcome. Yay! I've been working on it. Though sometimes I still struggle alittle with my emotions. And had to kept speaking in tongues and pray in alignment.
Yay! This afternoon will be so fun. I'm meeting up with Esther and Trina at Jurong Point. They'll be my two fashion advisors. Haha! No la. We'll just do random shopping and sit down for a chat. John will also join in at 5pm, before we dapao good food for our cell at his place. We'll then sing aug-ang-syng to Rachael and MinMin.
I'll miss MinMin alot!! She's one sensible girl whom I enjoy talking to. We shall meet up again for her birthday. I enjoy those train rides with her, where I can spend time talking to her and hearing her opinions and looking at her expressions. Haha!
Guess we all move to a new area of growth. It'll be better. "Better in time" by Leona Lewis, who sang "we will all be better in time".
Yay! This Sunday's TBG! Jiayous to all the international crews! Go for it. I'll cheer you on! Hopefully after the show there'll be time for photo taking with them. Hehe...
I'm so blessed by the IGNYTERS last night! Cool. They did their best. Could tell all were nervous. NErves are good! Made them do their best. And I felt that Lewis kinda sounded like P.Dom in his accent. Haha. I also like the ripples, waves, moonwalk, popping that was done by Ben! He's really good at it. I've seen him done those moves during the FL's audition, and all of us just kept laughing. I guess Kat remembered those talents of him, and gave him the chance to add value to this performance. Pwah..that was like 2years ago. Good good!! In God's timing you'll perform! Jiayou Ben!!
I want to go for YA camp in Malacca. I've checked the statistics on the net. Malacca has no H1N1, but mum still doesn't want me to go. I'm praying that God, You know that whether I will get that virus or not. If it's Your will that I won't get that virus, I pray that You will assure mum that I'll be fine, and won't pull the family down into sickness. I pray Lord that You'll impart favor, faith, trust, hope in their lives. If it's Your will for me to go, make way for me to go Lord. SHOW ME YOUR GLORY. SHOO AWAY THE OBSTACLES.
Lord Jesus, You've already shown me Your glory this afternoon, as I visited my paternal grandma in NUH. She miraculously repeated the sinner's prayer with me in mandarin. I can't believe myself speaking the sinner's prayer in mandarin. It's really my first time, and it sounded really broken. Haha! But AMen to that. Continue to seal her salvation in her life! Let her have a divine encounter with You!!
Continue to show me Your glory!
I'm staying SINGLE for the next 7 MONTHS.
For God to mould me and prepare my heart, my physical health, and my soul.
Help me Lord, not to be tempted during these 7 months, even if someone really good comes up to me and ask the question. Teach me how to reject.
I am your paper plane. Take me, take me God on a trip that You've marked out for this season. Show me how You handled the storms, and prevented them from damaging my paper plane. Show me also what do You think of my paper plane. Haha. Show me also where my paper plane can go to. Show me how to fly with other paper planes around me too. Show me that all paper planes are unique, cannot be measured with comparison, just like an apple can't be compared with an orange for they are of different species. Show me that You always take care of my paper plane because You love me, and You had made my paper plane so that You can love me.
I'm feeling quite nervous yet excited about this Wednesday. Thank God for the opening and opportunity. I shouldn't underestimate God's providence and favor. Amen! But I don't put God in a box, to ask Him for that one and only place and job. I believe He has already planned everything.
I prayed that God will send me the interview only when I'm ready for it. Hence I believe that I'm already ready for the interview. But I'm also doing my part these days to read up, practise, etc.
Thank God for such nice managers from my internship company to send my advices in the email on areas I should take note on. I'm so so touched!!!!!